《Lesson 102 Hodgepodge》.pdf

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《Lesson 102 Hodgepodge》.pdf

The Bob and Rob Show Study Guide Lesson 102: Hodgepodge date: Sept 08, 2007 file name: bobrob 09-08- Show notes Today, we’re taking you on another fun-filled, educationally packed ride on the hodgepodge roller-coaster. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms to ring in (British English) To call by telephone the place where you work e.g 1) the boss rang in yesterday even though she was off. 2) I rang in yesterday to let my boss know that I would be late because of the heavy traffic. 3) Many people rang in sick when the World Cup was on. to ring out To be heard rather loudly and very clearly eg: The shots rang out from nowhere when JFK was assassinated. To ring something up A cashier usually rings up how much your shopping will cost at the store i.e., to record the price of the products one buys at a shop eg: I looked at my receipt and questioned the price of the apples after the cashier had rung up the sale. Note: In British English it means to phone somebody (common in spoken English) eg: I ring up my Mum every 2 weeks or so. (ring someone is also very common) Idioms: “variety Is the spice of life” experiencing many different things makes life interesting eg: I cant believe youve never been to the mainland. You should travel around a bit before you get too old. Remember what they say, variety is the spice of life. Bonus Idiom: “lay down your life for something or someone” to sacrifice your own life for the cause that you believe strongly in eg: revolutionaries are the determined kind of people who are prepared to lay down their lives for their cause. Joke Bubba talks about a boy who wants to give his dog a wash. Enjoy. Grammar Blues Transitive Intransitive verbs revisited The meaning of a transitive verb is incomplete without a direct object, as in the following examples: INCOMPLETE The cabinet takes. COMPLETE The cabinet takes only 10 books INCOMPLETE The people elected. COMPLETE The people elected a n



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