《Lesson 117 Hodgepodge》.pdf

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《Lesson 117 Hodgepodge》.pdf

The Bob and Rob Show Study Guide Lesson 117: Hodgepodge date: December 23, 2007 Show notes We’re definitely cracking up!! The pressure is getting to us I’m afraid. It’s time for another mixed batch of hodgepodgey goodies and regular features this week. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms “To crack down on something or someone” To try to stop someone from breaking a rule (crime etc) and dealing strictly/harshly with those people eg: The headmaster really cracked down on the school uniform policy. Also a noun: the government staged a crackdown on corruption. “To crack up” 1) To become physically or mentally ill due to too much stress or pressure eg: Many Wall Street traders crack up due to the strain of their job. “To crack up/crack somebody up” 2) To start laughing a lot/uncontrollably or make someone do that eg: Bob and Rob could not help cracking up when they recorded the F word show. “To crack on” (British English) To work hard and do something fast eg: Time’s running out Bob, we’d better crack on. IDIOM: a steal a great bargain, something that Is sold very cheaply eg: those shoes were a steal - I love the January sales. BONUS IDIOM: I wouldnt be caught dead in that This mean Id never wear that. One would not wear a piece of clothing because one feels it looks horrible eg: that suit looks terrible, cor, Id never be caught dead in that. EXTRA BONUS IDIOM: rub someone up the wrong way to irritate people, or be irritated by someone, not necessarily for any particular reason eg: I really dont like that new talk show host. I dunno what it is about him, he just rubs me up the wrong way. Bubba Joke Bubba tells us a joke about an elderly man who is ‘tight’ with God. Can you get it? He was going pee in the refrigerator, not the bathroom. The light that came on was the refrigerator light. The poor old man is getting senile. Grammar Blues We discuss some complex structures using would like: Would like can be used with a perfect Infinitive to describ



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