《Lesson 125 Hodgepodge》.pdf

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《Lesson 125 Hodgepodge》.pdf

The Bob and Rob Show Study Guide Lesson 125: Hodgepodge�������������������� February 17, 2008��������������� Show notes The phrasal verb “to get to”, polite requests, and Bob gets snooty about Apply computers. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms to get to (something) 1) To literally arrive somewhere eg: he finally got to his destination after 16 hours of traveling. 2) To reach a point in you’re argument or conversation. To finally say the conclusion or meaning of an idea eg: the politician droned on for 2 hours but finally got to the point of his case. to get to (someone) 3) To dissuade someone from doing something through coercion, intimidation or harassment eg: the Mafia got to the witness and she refused to testify. 4) To adopt a habit of some kind by being influenced by someone else eg: Hey, Steves enthusiasm for Playstation 3 really got to me, and now I cant stop playing it. 5) To annoy or irritate eg: the babys constant whining really got to me. IDIOM: Go for It Just do it, or make an effort to achieve your goal. Example: You should stop worrying about getting turned down and just ask her out. Just go for it man!! Youve got nothing to lose. BONUS IDIOM: a whatchamacallit Something you say to describe the thing you dont know the word for eg: Im looking for the whatchamacallit for the TV. Can you help me find It? Culture note: There is a popular American candy bar called whatchamacallit. Grammar blues We can use an imperative form with the word please’, in order to make it more polite. Example: Stop cutting me off Bob, please. However, in more social settings, if you want to ask for something, its best not to use the imperative, even with the word please. It is less direct and more acceptable to use the question form, or a tag question Example: Can you show me how to use the software Bob, please? ( Not Show me how to use the software Bob, please). Tags are good for polite requests too:



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