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An Outline of Earth Sciences 授课对象:地质学专业本科学生 课程性质:专业基础课 开课学期:第一学期 主讲教师:吕洪波(教授) Key words of Chapter 1 Earth Sciences, geology, geography, biology, meteorology, environmental sciences, astronomy; lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere… Geology: marine geology, geochemistry, geophysics, geology of ore deposits, petrology, petroleum geology… The method of geology: natural laboratory, time scale and space scale, principle of actualism… Geologic process: endogenic process, exogenic process, sites and major energies (internal heat, radioactive heat, Sun’s heat), auxiliary energies (gravity, rotation force, gravitation etc.). The Scientific Method The scientific method, on which all scientists rely, is a general research strategy based on experimentation and on the principle that every physical event has a physical explanation, even if may be beyond our present ability to discover. Hypothesis—a tentative(尝试的)explanation based on data collected through observations and experiments—they present it to the community of scientists for criticism and repeated testing against new data. A hypothesis that is confirmed by other scientists gains credibility(可信度), particularly if it predicts the outcome of new experiments. Theory: A hypothesis that has survived repeated challenges and accumulated a substantial body of experimental support is elevated to the status of a theory. Although its explanatory and predictive powers have been demonstrated, a theory can never be considered finally proved. The essence(本质) of science is that no explanation, no matter how believable or appealing, is immune(免疫的) to question. If convincing new evidence indicates that a theory is wrong, scientists may modify or discard it. The longer a theory holds up to all scientific challenges, however, the more confidently(信赖地)it is held. 方案之三:清理沿湖污染企业 Clean up the contamination sources Firework factory explosion in Guangdong (2008.02.15) A imagined primitive body of “Chirotherium” + The past is the sam


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