《Consumer insights and brand marketing strategy in the mobile age》.pdf

《Consumer insights and brand marketing strategy in the mobile age》.pdf

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《Consumer insights and brand marketing strategy in the mobile age》.pdf

Consumer insights and brand marketing strategy in the mobile age Zhang Tian, The Coca-Cola Company Rohan Lightfoot, Isobar Agenda • Mobile • Coca-Cola • Discussion 64% are never more than 1 metre from their phone 的人从不会离开手机超过1米的距离 78% have decorated their phone 的人会装饰他们的手机 have more than 500 pictures stored 36% 的人手机内存储的图片超过500张 have more than 30 applications 48% 的人的手机内有超过30个应用程序 62% use 5 or less per day 的人每天使用5个以内的应用程序 76% always use their phone when commuting 的人总是在上下班通勤途中使用手机 82% have used their phone to check for info while shopping 的人会在购物过 程中用手机查询 信息 22% of women always use their phone while shopping 的女性总是在购 物过程中用手机 查询信息 94% have taken a picture of food 的人用手机拍过食物的照片 87% have posted it online 的人会在网络上分享照片 ALWAYS take your phone to the toilet? 总是会携带你的手机去厕所吗? 48% 81% 83% have made/ taken a call. 93% have used an app 83% 的人在如厕时接/打过电话. 93%的人在如厕时使用过应用程序 78%of drivers look at their phone while driving 的司机曾在开车时查看过自己的手机 44% of men have contacts secret from their partner 的男性对他们的另一半隐藏秘密联系人的信息


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