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UPDATED 8/18/2005 International Law: The World Trade Organization and the International Trading Regime Fall 2005, Mondays, 6 – 8 pm, Rome 535 Sept. 12 – Dec. 6, 2004 Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Profs. Amelia Porges and Charles Roh International trade rules and trade negotiations affect the products you buy, the food you eat, and the services that people and companies can offer in the marketplace. During the era of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Trade (GATT), tariffs have declined, trade has expanded, and the GATT and WTO rules have provided the legal guarantees that made this possible. These rules, the WTO as an organization, and the trade negotiations conducted in the WTO matter for anyone involved in international business or foreign economic relations, and for students of international cooperation. This course is meant to train you to be a sophisticated consumer of WTO rules, able to understand these rules and use them for advocacy in your future work, whether in the private sector, academia or government. Any legal background or training you might have will be useful in this course, as will a practical background in international trade economics, trade policy or international business. However, legal background or trade policy experience is NOT a prerequisite. Some of our best students have not been trained in law. The course provides an overview of the main WTO agreements on trade in goods and services. We will also discuss the ongoing Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations, and the WTO dispute settlement system. We will discuss NAFTA, free trade areas (FTAs) and other regional arrangements, but only for comparison purposes. The course will meet from 6 pm to 8 pm on M



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