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13 4 V ol. 13, N o. 4 2005 12 JOURNA L OF BA SIC SC IENCE AND ENG INEER ING D ecemb er 2005 A rticle ID: 1005-0930 ( 2005) 04-0345-13 CLC num ber: X 7031 1 Docum ent code: A Aerobic Biological Fluidized Bed Technolog Treatment of Sulfur and H igh Ammonia-nitrogen W astewater in a Petroleum Refiner 1, 2 1, 2 2, 3 1, 2 YE Zheng ang , W EN L ili , A. G. L. Bo rthw ick , N I J inren ( 1. D epartm ent o E nvironm ental E ngineering, P ek ing U n iversity, B eijing 10087 1, Ch in a; 2. T h eK ey Lab oratory o W ater and Sed mi en t S cien ces, M OE, B eijing 10087 1, Ch ina; 3. D epartm ent o Eng ineering Science, Ox ord U n iversity, P arks R oad, Ox ord OX1 3PJ, U. K ) Abstract: W astewaters rom petrochem ical plants are o wt o types: h igh su l ur w astew ater w ith h igh levels o su l ur, oi,l chem ica l oxygen dem and ( COD ) and pheno;l and high amm on ia-n itrogen w astew ater em anating rom catalyst w orkshops, w hich contains large concentrat ions o amm on ia-n itrogen, salinity, suspended solids ( SS) and low er organic po llutants. Conventional b io log ical treatm ents are expensive and not very e ective at handling both k inds o w astew ater stream. In th is paper, a new aerobic biolog ica l lu id ized bed techno logy (ABFT ) process is proposed, w hereby


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