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Forex Trading Plan – Why You Need A Plan How to Make One —— Nial Fuller 翻译:六道流浪漢 Forex Trading Plan – Why You Need A Plan How to Make One 交易計劃——為何需要一個計劃怎樣制定 原文地址: /forex-trading-strategies/how-to-make-forex-trading-plan- article Develop your own forex trading plan.. Having a Forex trading plan is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle of becoming a 六 consistently profitable Forex trader. Yet for many traders, creating a Forex trading plan can seem like something of a mystery, or perhaps something that they “will do eventually”… 完善你自己的外匯交易計劃。。。 道 堅持制定外匯交易計劃是成為一個持續盈利的交易 達人的最重要的攻關項目之一。對於大多數的交易 者,制定交易計劃似乎被視為是難以把握的事情, 通常都被推脫成“以後再算吧!”的事情。。。 流 It is this lazy type of thinking that gets many traders into trouble and causes them to blow out trading accounts. Success in the markets is a function of discipline, and most people simply do not have enough self-discipline to determine if they are trading emotionally or objectively. This is where having a defined forex trading plan comes in; a trading plan will act as a guide which will keep you on the disciplined trading path. 這種思維上的惰性會導致許多交易者陷入爆倉的困境之中,紀律性是在匯市中取得成功的關鍵,而大多 浪 數人卻是缺乏足夠的自律性,以確定自己的交易行為究竟是在做著情緒化的交易,還是做著客觀理性的 交易。這就是制定交易計劃的必要之處;一個交易計劃,能為你進行自律性的交易提供有效的指引。 Having a written out pre-defined trading plan means you are making an effort to hold yourself accountable to 漢 something, this is necessary to forex trading success because there is no one to be accountable to as a trader. You have only yourself to be accountable to when trading the markets and it can be extremely difficult to do the BEST THING FOR YOUR TRADING ACCOUNT when it goes against everything you FEEL like you want to do. This is the entire point of having a forex trading plan; to have a physical reminder of what the best thing for your trading account is at any given time… 制定書面形式的交易計劃意味著你意識到應該對自己的行為負起責任!並且努力去做。這是取得外匯交 易成功的必要條件,因為沒幾個交易者能夠做到。在市場交易中,遇到諸如市場走勢與你所期望相悖的 情況時,要獨自客觀冷靜地作出對你的交易帳戶來說



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