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中职学校“双师型”教师的培养途径研究 摘 要 当前,国家给予中等职业教育前所未有的高度重视和大力支持,中等职业教育的强 劲发展迫切需要大量高素质的“双师型”教师,中等职业学校在“双师型”教师培养方 面取得了一定的成绩,但仍存在诸多问题。针对“双师型”教师队伍现状,对“双师型” 教师培养问题进行深入细致的研究,可以说是一项很有意义的工作。 本文采用理论分析法、文献研究法和比较研究法,从对“双师型”教师涵义的理解 及其素质要求谈起,对我国目前中职学校“双师型”教师的现状进行了分析,阐述了中 职学校“双师型”教师培养的意义,并对“双师型”教师培养提出了一些建议。主要研 究在大力发展中等职业教育的过程中如何更好的加强“双师型”师资队伍建设的培养途 径和策略,以及提高中职学校的“双师型”师资的综合素质等问题,为在全国和各级政 府高度重视其发展的新形式下,提高中等职教师资培养和师资队伍建设进行有益的论述 和探讨。 本文的创新之处主要有以下两点:一是对关于“双师型”师资培养研究文献进行了 总结和梳理,为以后从事该方面的研究提供参考;二是分别从师资来源的各个渠道、中 等职业学校“双师型”教师培养和“双师型”教师成长的管理机制三方面分析“双师型” 师资培养的相关问题,并提出相应的对策建议,较以往的对策措施,内容更全面、职责更 分明。 关键词: 中等职业学校;“双师型”教师;培养 A STUDY ON CULTIVATING ACADEMIC-PRACTICAL TEACHER IN SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS ABSTRACT Recently, our government pays much attention to the secondary vocational education and invests a lot for its development. The rapid progress in secondary vocational education involves abundant teachers of high quality who master skills in teaching and technology. We can name it academic-practical teacher. Although the secondary vocational schools have made great achievement in cultivating academic-practical teachers, there are still a lot of problems. Contra posing the status of the academic-practical teachers, it is significative to research on the problems of cultivating work. The paper starts with the definition of academic-practical teacher and the requirement for academic-practical teacher by the methods of theories-analyzing, literature search and comparing-research, then analyses the situation of the academic-practical teachers in china to illustrate the significance. Finally, it proposes some useful suggestions in cultivating academic-practical teachers in secondary vocational schools. The paper mainly researches on the ways and strategies for the construction and cultivating in the development of secondary vocational education which has been set great store by, and focuses on the problems o


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