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20 11 1 17 战国时期韩国三大都城比较研究 徐团辉 (, 450001) Abs tract: The three capitals of Y iyang city, Y angdi city andX inzheng city w ere established during the Han tate entered the Central P lains in theW arring tates periodThese three b ig cap itals had the significant smi ilarities such as the selected location, the bu ild ing of the palace and palace city asw ell as the defense fa cilities and systems, the p lanning ofmausoleum areas and so onA t the sam e tmi e, these capitals also show ed some differences under the influence of different h istorical conditions such as the nature of capita,l inner and outer city w alls layout, break ing ZhengF engShui, etcThese comparison w ill help us explore the society and history of theH an tate K ey w ord s: Y iyang old city; Y angd i old city; H an city at X inzheng; comparative study : 宜阳故城阳翟故城和新郑韩城是战国时期韩国在进军中原的过程中先后建立的三个 城, 这三大 城在选址宫城和宫殿区以及防御设施和体系的营建陵区的规划等方面有着明显的相 似性同时, 受不同历史条件的影响, 也表现出了很大的差异性, 比如 城性质城郭布局破郑风 水等这些异同的比较有助于我们探讨当时韩国的社会和历史面貌 : 宜阳故城; 阳翟故城; 新郑韩城; 比较研究 453, , 310, , , , , , , , , , , , ( , , 375) , () 2阳翟故城 , , , , , , , 67 , , , , 550, 380, () () 1宜阳故城 3新郑韩城 25 , , , , ,


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