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Enclosure To The Forbidden City 围合——紫禁城 Foreword Through their history,the Chinese have progressively developed their consciousness of their environment. It can be said that the Chinese people will have the concept of enclosure from the very beginning, From the Qin Dynasty there has been a great enclosure - Great Wall.For instance——urban ordering.The European cities grew organically while Chinese cities were planned from the very beginning.The coincidentally synchronous fall of both the Roman Empire(the united Roman Empire—Western Empire)and the Han Empire,leading to the unsettling of balance in their respective worlds.The Chinese managed to reverse the decline, and reuniification was schieved by the Sui and Han and pre–Han Chinese ideologies to survive, once again creating a homogeneous society.The West on the other hand did not regain a level of civilization that matched that of the Romans,eventually developing in a different direction in so doing paving the way for a heterogeneous world,both materially and philosophically. Foreword Summary The realm of the “enclosed” or rather the describer of space is in the indeterminate domain of being and nonbeing, where one′s coming incessantly alternates with one′s going; where coming by no means really comes to pass and going is never truly departure. The beauty of Chinese architecture lies neither in its architectural space nor in its physical structure; rather it is to be found between the space and that which encloses it. China is a long history of thousands of years and have too many construction groups as large and small. All the different types of construction have many different forms. Among them,the Forbidden City is the largest, most complex form of a enclosed space. 1、The Forbidden City Planning 1403年,明成祖朱棣任命侯爵陈珪和工部侍郎吴中负责北京和紫禁城的规划设计。 任何一幢或一组建筑,决定其规模和内容的自然首先是它们的功能需要,宫殿建筑也是如此。紫禁城是封建帝王执政和生活之地,具有多方面的功能。第一是办理政务,需要有举行各种礼仪和处理日常政务的殿堂、衙署、官府,第二是生活起居,包括皇帝、皇后、众多的皇妃、皇子和太祖、太后生活


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