《INFM 612 Chapter 2 PP slides_pptx》.pptx

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《INFM 612 Chapter 2 PP slides_pptx》.pptx

Chapter 2;Studying management history helps your conceptual skills Social Forces – influence of culture that guides people and relationships Political Forces – influence of political and legal institutions Economic Forces – the availability, production, and distribution of resources ;2.1 Management Perspectives over Time;Emerged during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Rise of the factory system Issues regarding structure, training, and employee satisfaction Large, complex organizations required new approaches to coordination and control Three subfields: scientific management, bureaucratic organizations, and administrative principles;Improve efficiency and labor productivity through scientific methods Frederick Winslow Taylor proposed that workers “could be retooled like machines” Management decisions would be based on precise procedures based on study Henry Gantt developed the Gantt Chart to measure and plan work The Gilbreth’s pioneered time and motion studies to promote efficiency;2.2 Characteristics of Scientific Management;Max Weber, a German theorist, introduced the concepts Manage organized on an impersonal, rational basis Organization depends on rules and records Managers use power instead of personality to delegate Although important productivity gains come from this foundation, bureaucracy has taken on a negative tone;2.3 Characteristics of Weberian Bureaucracy;Focused on the entire organization Henri Fayol, a French mining engineer, was a major contributor Identified five functions of management: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling 14 general principles of management; many still used today: Unity of command Division of work Unity of direction Scalar chain;Mary Parker Follett and Chester Barnard Understand human behaviors, needs, and attitudes in the workplace Importance of people rather than engineering techniques: contrast to scientific management Empowerment: facilitating instead of controlling Recognition o


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