《Inconel alloy 601》.pdf

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《Inconel alloy 601》.pdf

wwwwww..ssppeecciiaallmmeettaallss..ccoomm INCONEL® nickel-chromium-iron alloy 601 (UNS N06601/W.Nr. 2.4851) is a general-purpose engineering TTaabbllee 11 - Limiting Chemical Composition, %, material for applications that require resistance to heat of INCONEL alloy 601 and corrosion. An outstanding characteristic of Nickel 58.0-63.0 INCONEL alloy 601 is its resistance to high- Chromium21.0-25.0 temperature oxidation. The alloy also has good Iron Remainder resistance to aqueous corrosion, has high mechanical Aluminum 1.0-1.7 strength, and is readily formed, machined and welded. The limiting chemical composition of INCONEL alloy Carbon0.10 max. 601 is listed in Table 1. The composition is a face- Manganese 1.0 max. centered-cubic solid solution with a high degree of Sulfur 0.015 max. metallurgical stability. The alloys nickel base, in Silicon 0.50 max. 1 conjunction with substantial chromium content, Copper1.0 max. provides resistance to many corrosive media and high- temperature environments. Oxidation resistance is PPhhyyssiiccaall CCoonnssttaannttss aanndd TThheerrmmaall 0 further enhanced by the aluminum content. The properties of INCONEL alloy 601 make it a PPrrooppeerrttiieess


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