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长难句阅读 正确分析定语从句关系词所指的先行词内容 (1). The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be. 希腊人认为,语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。这一观点在人们尚未认识到语言的千差万别以前就早已在欧洲扎卞了根。 In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. 在欧洲,像其他地方一样,传媒集团越 来越成功:这些集团将相关的电视、广播、报纸、杂志、出版社组合在一起。 (3) Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. 人类学是社会科学的各学科之一。 社会科学是知识探索的一个分支, 它力图像自然科学 家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。 Tylor defined culture as ... that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits which are acquired by man as a member of society. 泰勒把文化定义为“……一个复合体, 它包括人作为社会成员获得的信仰、 艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其他能力和习惯。”这种见解简单而深刻,为认识和理解人类 生活提供了一种全新的方法。 (5) Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice 不同的文化和传统把欧洲大陆编织成一体,要创造出一种尊重这些不同文化和传统的 “欧洲品牌绝非易事,需要人们做出战略性选择. (6)What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 这里who引导的定语从句的先行词是man,从句与先行词被长长的分词短语coming in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family分开。 比如,一个46岁的男子,在与家人外出度假之前进行常规体格检查时,尽管他自我感觉健康良好,但医生却发现他患有某种癌症,不超过6个月就将死去。这时,医生该怎么对他说呢? (7)Speech has to be trained and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the cu


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