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四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 联合厂房内尘毒治理系统设计 学 生:朱亚芳 学 号:05031040141 专 业:安全工程 班 级:安全工程2005.1 指导教师:唐 捷 四川理工学院材料与化学工程学院 二OO九年六月 联合厂房内尘毒治理系统设计 摘 要 在加工过程中,污染最严重的工艺之一本文系统生产过程中尘进行分析研究,并将其应用于某实践 The System Design of Toxic Dust Management in Joint Workshop Abstract During the process of joint workshops’ production, toxic dust root’s pollution is one of the most serious techniques. Toxic dust will not only harm to the workers’ body, but also cause occupational disease, which serious threats workers health and life. In order to protect workers’ health and make a worker have good working environment, this essay analyses the root, exist forms, harm characteristics and touch chance in the process of joint workshop system, according to the relevant requirements and provision of ventilation and dust abatement, coordinating with which from designing and equipment making to installation, using and maintenance management, etc., taking the comprehensive toxic dust control measures, and making it used to the design practice of ventilation and dust abatement in a precise wax casting workshop. Conclusion, toxic dust management is a comprehensive work, we should give full consideration of the pollution rooting situation, type of process equipment and production operation during the design process. Using local exhaust hood such as fume hood, lateral sucking hoods umbellate cover and so on to control the divergent of the harmful gases effect. In order to guarantee the exhaust effect, we may Set paddle on top and sides vents to resist the lateral airflow interference. Key words: occupational hazards, workshop, ventilation dust,toxic dust root 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1 需求分析 1 1.2 可行性研究 2 1.3 联合厂房平面特征 2 1.4 尘毒的来源、存在形式及其危害特点 3 1.4.1粉尘的来源 3 1.4.2粉尘危害的特点 3 1.4.3毒物在生产过程中的存在形式 4 1.4.4毒物在生存环境中的存在形态 4 1.4.5接触机会 4 1.5 工业通风 5 1.5.1通风系统的分类 5 1.5.2一般规定 5 1.5.3相关要求 6 2联合厂房内尘毒治理系统设计 7 2.1 联合厂房工艺流程 7 2.2 通风系统设计 8 2.2.1熔模制造 8 2.2.2制壳 10 2.2


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