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2 0 1 1 2 42 2 * 崔 鹏 陈 志 张小超 (, 100083) , , , , ; ; ; , , , : : S126; TP34 : A : 2011) Statics Analysis of App lep ick ing R obot H um anoid M an ipu lator Cu i Peng Chen Zh i Zhang X iaochao (State K ey Labora tory of So ilP lantM achine System Technology, Chinese A cademy of Ag r icultural M echanization Sciences, Beij ing 100083, China Abs tract A humanoi man ipu lator app lying to the en effector of an apple pick ing robot w as intro uce . Substituting a ten onactuate m anipulator for the smi ple gripper can mi prove the a aptability for the en effector to catch apples in intricate surroun ings. To realize the openloop control of the ten onactuate man ipulator, the relationship mo el of the actuating force an grasp ing force is necessary. By smi u lation, themo elw as establishe in this paper. Un er the same actuating force, the grasp ing force of the ten on actuate hum anoi man ipu lator w as relate to the parameters of mechan ism. The virtual grasp ing force w as eterm ine by the length an th ickness of fingers. The istribution of grasping forcew as eterm ine by the lengthy proportions of the phalanges. The original angle bewt een the fingers eterm ine the ra ius range of the apples. A s the ra ius of app les increase , the virtual grasping force ecrease . Frictions coul homogen ize the istribution of grasping force asw ell as enlarge the virtual force. K ey w ords App le, P icking robot, Humanoi manipulator, Statics analysis [ 2]



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