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变压器故障远程监测系统的研究与设计 重庆大学硕士学位论文 学生姓名: 指导教师: 专  业:检测技术及其自动化装置 学科门类:工学 重庆大学自动化学院 二O一O年月 The Transformer Failure Remote Monitoring syestem A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Engineering By K Supervised by Ass. Prof. Specialty: Measurement and Automation Instrument College of Automation of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China April, 2010 摘 要 电力变压器是电网的核心设备,也是电力系统中最重要、最昂贵,同时也是故障率较高的设备。因此,需要通过对电力变压器进行预防性维护,实时监测变压器的实际运行情况,检测与诊断变压器潜伏性故障或缺陷。 本文以传统的电力变压器故障检测技术油中溶解气体分析法(DGA)为基础,采用ARM9嵌入式芯片(S3C2410)为CPU,以嵌入式Linux为软件核心,以GRPS为通信手段,设计了变压器故障远程故障监测系统,从而能够更好地确保这些重要单位的电力系统安全运行。本文所设计的系统主要是利用GRPS网络覆盖范围广、传输性好与嵌入式耗低功、方便实用相结合来解决系统方案。其设计思想为:通过变压器特征气体检测模块检测变压器绝缘油中特征气体的浓度,通过CAN总线传送给主控模块,主控模块根据设定判断变压器是否达到故障预警,然后通过GRPS模块将数据传送至监控中心,从而实现远程监测的功能。 本文详细介绍了系统硬件的电源电路、晶振和复位电路、JTAG接口电路、串口电路、GRPS模块接口电路等设计思想及设计过程,并给出了部分主要电路。在系统软件方面,成功裁剪并移植了嵌入式Linux内核到ARM处理器中;同时,完成了相关驱动程序的编制,利用GRPS模块实现了通信功能。最后,给出了监控中心相关软件的设计方案。 如果在此基础上作进一步开发,使系统向微型化、高度智能化方向发展,以满足不同场合的需求,它将具有更大的应用前景和使用价值。 关键词:变压器,DGA,远程监测,ARM9 ABSTRACT Power transformer is one of the most important equipment in the power system,and it is basic to ensure power supply reliability.On-line monitoring and diagnosing power transformer running state has very important meaning for power system security. In this article ,ARM embed technology is adopted .And on the basis of power transformer dissolved gas-in-oil analysis(DGA),a power transformer fault remote monitoring system of units has been designed to ensure power system security running.This system benefits from the wide range coverage of GRPS network and low-power of embedded system. The framework of the system is as follows. The methane detection module extracts the methane density from the cesspool, and then the methane density information is transmitted to the master control module through CAN bus. The master control module evaluate and make the decision whether the density exceeds the safety threshold, and sends the


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