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本科学生毕业设计 动力差速式转向机构设计 院系名称: 机电工程学院 专业班级: 机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名: 指导教师: 陈树海 职 称: 副教授 二○一年月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Design of Dynamic Differential Steering Mechanism Candidate:Shi Chuanyang Specialty:Mechanical Design and Manufacture Automation Class:07-7 Supervisor:Associate Professor Chen Shuhai Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2011-06·Harbin 摘要 履带车辆的转向机构是重要的总成之一,其性能的优劣直接影响着车辆的转向机动性和生产效率。因此对性能优良的转向机构的研究一直是车辆工程领域的重要研究课题。 履带式工程机械的转向机构普遍采用单功率流的转向离合器和制动器,两者相配合,使两侧履带以不同速度行驶,实现转向。这种结构非常简单,同时也易于实现转向,但是要实现小半径转向时需借助摩擦元件的打滑来实现,造成严重的功率浪费,降低摩擦元件的使用寿命。同时驾驶操作费力,还不好准确把握车辆的转向半径。 本设计为推土机设计采用的一套动力差速式转向装置。该转向机构主要包括一个转向差速机构、一个液压泵、一个液压转向马达和转向控制器,它将转向和差速合为一体,简化了机械的结构,提高了机械的使用性能。该机构具有差速的同时,还具有差速锁的效果,并具有降速增扭的功能,大大提高了履带车辆行驶通过性和转向性能。 关键词:差速式转向机构;转向离合器;转向半径;履带车辆;转向控制器 ABSTRACT The steering mechanism of tracked vehicle is one important part of the unit, and its performance will directly affect the mobility and productivity of the vehicle. Therefore, the research on steering mechanism is an important subject in the field of vehicle engineering. The marching project machinery rotation gear generally uses the steering clutch and the brake which the single power flows, two coordinates which cause two sides caterpillar bands with the different speed to change the direction. This kind of structure is extremely simple, and will be also easy to realize changes, however, if you want to realize the changes of the small radius, you have to do it with the aid of rub parts slipping and it will cause the serious power waste, reduces the service life of rub parts. Simultaneously it will be in great trouble to take the operation and hold the radial turning of vehicles. The design is a set of diverting device with difference speed which uses for the bulldozer design. The steering mechanism mainly includes the differential steering mechanism, a hydraulic pump, a motor of hydraulic pressure and a steering clutch. It can


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