Questioning and Signifying. The Destruction of the Traditional Historiography of Philosophy on the Level of Historical Comprehension》.pdf

Questioning and Signifying. The Destruction of the Traditional Historiography of Philosophy on the Level of Historical Comprehension》.pdf

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Questioning and Signifying. The Destruction of the Traditional Historiography of Philosophy on the Level of Historical Comprehension》.pdf

Available online at Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 71 ( 2013 ) 61 – 69 International Workshop on the Historiography of Philosophy: Representations and Cultural Constructions 2012 Questioning and signifying. The destruction of the traditional historiography of philosophy on the level of historical comprehension u* - - Abstract The relation between history and the history of philosophy implies to constitute a signifying universe that exceeds its own historical causality, an aspect which represents a destruction of history, either regarding the comprehension of the absolute system, or that of the absolute singularity. It is precisely this complex of a scholastic historical tradition that must be destroyed in order to avoid the captivity of the history of philosophy in a situation without issue. This is because of the fact that no significant answer corresponds to a proposal of a universal meaning of the question. If the level of historicity founds historiography from an existential point of view, beyond its structural dimension, it makes the philosophical works of the past able to respond to the questions of the present, according to their eventful essence. The fusion of history and philosophical questions regards the great hermeneutical task of the comprehension proper to the history of philosophy: the possibility of questioning and that of signifying. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Claudiu Mesaros (West University



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