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9A Unit 2 Comic strip Welcome to the unit 学案 一、根据句意及中文或者首字母提示写出单词My _______ (最喜爱的) color is orange . There’s _______(没什么) wrong with my computer . The girl went out in a _______ (粉红色的) coat . 4. You can’t cross the road until the traffic light turns g________. 5. Look at the b_______ sky and the w ________ clouds! What a fine day! 6. There are seven colors in a r_______, aren’t there? 7. I like flowers in v________. The color is beautiful. 二、翻译下列句子。 1. 我的没毛病。 ____________________________my . 2. 这件。 _? 4. 刚才你看到天上的云朵了吗? Did you see ________________________________________________________? 5. 你能告诉我你们班有多少学生吗? Can you tell me ___________________________________________________? 三、列出所学过的颜色的单词。说说周围有那些东西是有颜色的?它们是什么颜色的 1. Which colour does Eddie want to wear? 2. What is Hobo’s idea about wearing pink? 3. What is Hobo’s idea about Eddie’s wearing blue ? 五、同桌2人分别扮演 Eddie , Hobo 朗读 第20页的对话,尽量带有感情色彩。 六、句子默写。 1. 艾米,你刚才看到天空中的彩虹了吗? _______________________________________________________________________? 2. 你知道彩虹有多少颜色吗? _____________________________________________________________________? 3. 你最爱的颜色是什么? __________________________________________________________________? 4. 粉色没有什么不好的。 ______________________________________________________________. 5. 而且我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看? ____________________________________________________________________? 七、根据所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I find it easy _______ (see) a rainbow in the sky after the heavy rain in summer. 2. I bought a _________ (color) dress just now. 3. Which coat do you want _________ (wear), this one or that one? 4. I think blue is ________ (good) than green. It’s the sky’s color. 5. The world will be a dull place ________ (with) colors. 6. I _________ just ________ (see) Millie at the school gate. 7. ___________ (something) wrong with your eyes. Don’t worry about it. 8. Most young people think pink is a ___________ (girl) color. 八.结合所学的颜色及你的经验,描述一下人们的情绪和他们


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