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基于QT的嵌入式终端应用程序开发 ——记事本和电子相册开发 摘 要 越来越多的嵌入式终端需要一个图形化的人机接口界面(GUI),良好的人机交互界面是嵌入式系统设计的一个关键技术,尤其是在嵌入式手持设备中,对嵌入式终端的实用性、美观性和视听娱乐性提出了更高的要求。而记事本和电子相册以其实用性和良好的观赏性逐渐成为嵌入式设备中不可或缺的组成部分。开发基于嵌入式终端的界面美观、功能丰富、交互性好的记事本和电子相册,具有一定的实用意义和价值。 本文的目标是设计和实现嵌入式终端下的记事本和电子相册。论文首先介绍了Linux的优点和Qt开发环境的搭建,着重分析了Qt在软件开发中的编程机制。并根据嵌入式应用的特点对嵌入式终端下的记事本和电子相册进行了设计需求分析、具体界面的设计和整体结构的设计。本课题根据记事本和电子相册的算法,设计并实现了记事本的相关功能(如:新建、打开、编辑和删除文件等)和电子相册的相关功能(如:图片放大、缩小、旋转和移动等)。最后对关于论文进一步工作的方向进行了简要的讨论。 关键词 嵌入式Linux; Qt; 图形用户界面; 记事本; 电子相册 Embedded terminal application program development based on QT ——Development of notepad and electronic album Abstract More and more embbeded Embedded Terminal need graphics user interface(GUI). A good Human-Computer Interaction interface is the key technology of embedded system design. Higher demands of the practicality, aesthetics and audio-visual entertainment of embedded terminal are needed, especially in embbeded system handheld device. Notepad and electronic photo album are becoming an integral part of embedded device for their pracicality and good viewing. It has some practical significance and value to develop a notepad and an album with beautiful interface, rich functions and good interaction based on embedded terminal. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a notepad and an album in the embeded terminal environment. This paper presented the advantage of Linux and the building of QT developing environment, focused on the programming mechanism of developing software with Qt. It analysed the needs of the design, designed the specific interface and overall structure of notepad and album in the embeded terminal environment according to features of embedded application.This project designed and implemented the relevant functions of norepad(such as new file,open file ,edit file and delete file) as well as the relevant functions of album(such as enlarge 、minify、 rotate and move the picture) based on the algorithms of notepad and album. Finally, brief disscusion about the furthe



