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Mesh Refinement Finer meshing must be used in regions of expected high stress gradients (usually occur at discontinuities) Discontinuities C. 有限元分析要点与技巧 C.8 General Meshing Guidelines and Accuracy Mesh Refinement (cont’d) Mesh refinement must be gradual with adjacent elements of not too dissimilar size Mesh refinement must balance accuracy with problem size ANSYS provides various tools for mesh refinement such as refinement at nodes, elements, lines, and volumes C. 有限元分析要点与技巧 C.8 General Meshing Guidelines and Accuracy Dissimilar Element Types In general different types of elements with different DOF at their nodes should not share global DOF (for example do not use a 3D beam element in conjunction with plane stress elements) ANSYS allows certain classes of different element types to share nodes (e.g. spar and beam elements) but element and meshing guidelines must always be consulted before attempting to combine dissimilar element types C. 有限元分析要点与技巧 C.8 General Meshing Guidelines and Accuracy Equilibrium and Compatibility The approximations and discretizations generated by the FE method enforce some equilibrium and compatibility conditions but not others Equilibrium of nodal forces and moments is always satisfied because of Compatibility is guaranteed at the nodes because of the way K is formed; i.e. the displacements of shared nodes on two elements are the same in the global frame in which the elements are assembled C. 有限元分析要点与技巧 C.8 General Meshing Guidelines and Accuracy Equilibrium-Compatibility (cont’d) Equilibrium is usually not satisfied across interelement boundaries; however discrepancies decline with mesh refinement along this boundary Stresses at shared nodes are typically averaged over the elements sharing the node ANSYS uses stress disparities at nodes as a measure of discretization error C. 有限元分析要点与技巧 C.8 General Meshing Guidelines and Accuracy Equilibrium-Compatibility (cont’d) Stresses are most reliable near the centers of elements and l


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