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摘 要 中国典当业的发展历史久远,绵亘古今,其跨度历经阶级社会的多种社会形态。典当行为在中国封建社会初期就有,而典当行业萌芽于两汉,形成始于南北朝时期,唐宋时期形成成熟的行业,明清时期达到繁荣昌盛,民国到新中国成立后一度衰退消亡,改革开放以后重新复出振兴。今天的中国更需要典当行业的存在,它对拓宽融资渠道,提高资产效率,稳定社会秩序,发展社会主义市场经济,具有很重要的作用。本文主要从典当业的发展情况及入手,对比分析了内蒙古现代典当行业存在的问题,并结合当今国内经济金融发展环境,探讨了解决内蒙古典当行业发展问题的一些对策,以期为现代典当业尤其是内蒙古典当业的发展提供历史经验,也可为内蒙古典当行业发展问题的解决起到一定的参考和借鉴作用。 关键词:典当概况 内蒙古典当业问题 对策 Abstract The development history of Chinese pawnbroking remote, spanning the ancient and modern, its span multiple after class society social form. Hock behavior in China feudal society early, and a pawn industry originated from the han, form in the northern and southern dynasties, tang and song dynasties began forming mature industry, Ming and qing dynasties achieve prosperity, roc to after the founding of die out, once a recession after the reform and opening returned to revive. Todays China more need of pawn industry exists. It to broaden the financing channels, to improve the efficiency, stable social order assets and develop the socialist market economy, have very important role. This article mainly from the development of ancient pawnbroking and analyzed in comparison with Inner Mongolia, problems existing in the modern hock industry, and combining the domestic economy today financial development environment, this paper discusses the development of Inner Mongolia hock industry solve some of the problems, countermeasures for modern pawnbroking especially the development of Inner Mongolia pawnbroking historical experience, also can provide for Inner Mongolia hock industry development to solve the problem of the reference and play a role. Key words: Hock profiles InnerMongolia pawnbroking problem countermeasures 引 言 典当业是人类最古老的行业之一,是一种以质押形式借贷资金的机构和行业,堪称现代金融业的鼻祖。其是介于金融业与流通业之间的一种边缘业种和业态。其基本功能在于通过以这种临时的融资形式调剂资金的缓急余缺,在促进社会经济发展中发挥过重要作用。 从典当行业固有的经营特点看,具有信贷手续简单、速度快、门槛低、当期灵活、质押范围广泛等特征。在目前银行业等主流金融机构对中小企业和农村金融支持乏力的情况下,充分发挥典当业自身的优势和特点,加快现代典当业在城乡的发展,对缓解中小企业融资瓶颈,以及活跃农村金融,健全农村金融体系,促进社会主义新农村建设具有非常重要的现实意义。 鉴于此,本文以中国传统典当业为研究样本,在此基础之上,本文总结了我



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