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Sheet1 48c Selection Belle Vernon Philadelphia Middleburg Hillsboro Somers Hudson NH Ashville Martifer-Hirschfeld Energy Systems LLC Merrill Technologies Group Metglas, Inc. MetoKote Corporation Miasole Mistubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc. Monogram Refrigeration, LLC Moventas, Inc. Nanosolar Nordex USA Inc Nordic Windpower Novozymes Blair, Inc. Pacific Metal Fab, LLC CertainTeed Corporation The Timken Company Solar Hot Water - This panel May move with timing Andritz Hydro Affiliates American Honda - Test Cell LoneStar AAF will re-equip a manufacturing facility for the production of rooftop air-conditioning systems used on Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Abound Solar will expand facility capacity with an additional manufacturing line. This facility is solely dedicated to commercial production of PV solar panels using cadmium telluride semiconductor technology. Acuity Brands will re-equip an existing facility with equipment used in the production of energy-saving lighting sensors. Sensors are used in lighting applications to control light levels based on occupancy and are used in daylighting systems. Acuity plans to manufacture three energy-efficient LED luminaire outdoor products in its production facility. Lighting fixtures that include light-emitting diode (“LED”) technologies can dramatically reduce energy consumption while reducing maintenance costs associated with the luminaire due to longer product lifetimes. Aeroenvironment plans to manufacture a patent pending Mobile Charger that combines a battery pack with a Level 3 DC connector. It is designed for on-road service trucks to provide a quick charge to stranded battery electric vehicles similar to an “out-of-gas” situation. Airxchange will expand a facility to produce Enthalpy/Energy Recovery Wheels (ERWs) that recycle up to 80% of previously expended energy in building exhaust air. The products allow preconditioning of incoming outdoor air 5-7 times more efficiently than co


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