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Sheet3 Sheet2 Sheet1 TABLE TABLE_2 TABLE_3 TABLE_4 piston ejection with nomex shield over nylon shock cord Assembled - PML Callisto - unpainted The Raptor is a 29mm minimum diameter rocket that will fly great on motors as small as an E and will get up to around mach 1 on an H. The airframe is G-12 Glass Epoxy. The fins are FR-4 G-10 Glass Epoxy which is heat resistant and has a tensile strength of over 48,000 psi! Not painted. 38mm motor mount with slimline motor retainer QT (quantum tube) polymer airframe, fly on F, G, H and I motors. D=2.25, L=46.375, Cd=0.5263, PML chute, PML 1010 rail lugs 38-29mm motor adapter w/ Aero Pack 29mm + cap PML Callisto Super-Lube? Synthetic Grease-1cc packets Assembled - all fiberglass LOC Onyx scratch built with Hawk Mountain fiberglass. Built to the same dimensions as the LOC roc, but with a boat tail. Dia=3.00 38mm MMT L=29.25 Cd=0.25227 Wgt approx 2#11.4oz, 4 ft kevlar strap to MMT, grey primer, no chute, flies on G and larger motors. On the right is a picture of this rocket. Vaughn Brothers Rocketry, VB Extreme 54 minimum diameter rocket partially assembled and covered in 6oz fiberglass cloth with Aeropac motor retainer and ring. L=69 - booster 41 payload 17 avionics band 2 (compartment 8 long), poly nose cone 9 1/2, diameter=2.26, body spiral wound paper LOC, no launch lugs, not balanced, PML 30 rip-stop nylon conical parachute, white / red, ~5 spill hole, 9/16 flat strap kevlar shock cord extends 76 past end of booster, 8 avionics compartment with bulkheads and threaded rod and welded eyebolts, approx 2#3.0oz, cost=75.00+ f/glass15.00 +kevlar10.00 +++ = 125.00 MACH Assembled - Mach Buster from Rocket Vision, dia=1.2 L=13, with streamer, 3 fiberglass fins, phenolic airframe, poly nose cone, shock cord, MMT=24mm, black and orange, Estes D12-7 = 1300 This rocket is partially assembled. Motor mount has a kevlar flat strap shock cord internally attached. The strap reaches beyond sustainer forward end for attachment to recove


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