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翻译—伤寒明理论 包含全部章节 Chapter 1 Introducing Karel the Robot In the 1970s, a Stanford graduate student named Rich Pattis decided that it would be easier to teach the fundamentals of programming if students could somehow learn the basic ideas in a simple environment free from the complexities that characterize most programming languages. Drawing inspiration from the success of Seymour Papert’s LOGO project at MIT, Rich designed an introductory programming environment in which students teach a robot to solve simple problems. That robot was named Karel, after the Czech playwright KarelCapek, whose 1923 play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) gave the word robot to the English language. 第一章: 机器人卡雷尔简介 在二十世纪七十年代,一位名字叫 Rich Pattis 的斯坦福研究生觉得,在编程基础的教学中,如果 学生可以在某种简单的环境中,摆脱大多数编程语言复杂的特性,学习基本的编程思想,可以取 得更好的效果。麻省理工 Seymour Papert’s LOGO 计划的成功,启发了灵感,Rich 设计了一个入 门编程环境,(这个编程环境)让学生教一个机器人来解决简单的问题。这个机器人名字叫卡雷尔。 因为捷克剧作家 KarelCapek 在 1923 年公演了 R.U.R (Rossum’s Universal Robots)后,为英语带来了 机器人这个英语单词--Robot 。 Karel the Robot was quite a success. Karel was used in introductory computer science courses all across the country, to the point that Rich’s textbook sold well over 100,000 copies. Many generations of CS106A students learned how programming works by putting Karel through its paces. But nothing lasts forever. In the middle of the 1990s, the simulator we had been using for Karel the Robot stopped working. We were, however, soon able to get a version of Karel up and running in the Thetis interpreter we were using at the time. But then, a year ago, CS106A switched to Java, and Karel again vanished from the scene. For the last three quarters, the hole in the curriculum left by Karel’s departure has been competently filled by Nick Parlante’s Binky world, but it seems about time to bring Karel back. The new implementation of Karel is designed to be compatible with both Java



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