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* Sources of Advice Help * Sources of advice and help Academic Adviser Departmental Staff Disability and Wellbeing Service Student Services Centre TLC study skills advisors Learning World Student Union and Advice Centre Medical Centre Mental Health and Wellbeing Advisors Deans Financial Support Office Faith Centre Language Centre PhD Academy Student Union Dont wait until problems have become unmanageable It’s OK to ask for help earlier Disability Well Being Service; (Neurodiversity - ADHD, Dyslexia, Mental Health Well Being and Disability support). ISSA’s (exam arrangements, reasonable adjustments). 1:1 sessions with Dyslexia Advisor or Mental Health Advisor. ( Tel: (0207) 955 7767 (again self-refer) Other Support Available; MIND (.uk) Mental Health Charity - lots of info re stress management and mental health in general. Rethink () As above - (Time to Change Campaign) Samaritans (/) Providing 24 hour confidential emotional support. Free calls! GP (General Practitioner) * LSE Student Counselling Service – KSW.507 Free and confidential Mainly short term counselling Book appointments in advance See Website for Stress management handouts Self help resources Relaxation MP3’s * Future Workshops How to manage your time effectively: Mon 19th Nov 15.00 17:00 Location: NAB.LG.08 Stress Management Mon 16th Nov ?11.00 – 1.00 pm or Mon ?23rd Nov ?11.00 – 1.00 pm or Mon ?30th Nov ??11.00 – 1.00 pm Location:?TBC * Future Workshops Raise Your Self-Esteem: Thurs. 19th Nov ? ?11.00 am – 1 pm Thurs 26th Nov ? ??11.00 am – 1 pm Thurs 3rd of Dec. ?11.00 am – 1 pm Location: TBC Groups Stress Management Group (3 weeks) Self Esteem Group (3 weeks) Therapy Group Places on all groups need to be booked in advance. Please see the website, Call Ext 3627, visit KSW.507 or email Coming to the end To be most effective in your l


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