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第29 卷 第7 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.29 No.7 Mar.5, 2009 2009 年3 月5 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2009 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 71 0258-8013 (2009) 07-0071-07 TM 715 A 470 40 文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码: 学科分类号: ⋅ 感应电动机负荷的动态特性分析 赵兵,汤涌 ( 中国电力科学研究院,北京市 海淀区 100192) Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Induction Motor Loads ZHAO Bing, TANG Yong (China Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China) ABSTRACT: It is very important to correct explain the 0 引言 physical mechanism characteristics of power system dynamic 电力系统负荷模型是影响电力系统稳定分析 loads for accurately modelling the synthetic characteristics of 和系统动态稳定控制设计的关键因素之一。在系统 system loads. Firstly, physical mechanisms of induction motors as the main dynamic loads in power systems were 运行规划中,采用不精确的负荷模型可能会得到过 investigated deeply in this paper ,from which several critical 于乐观的稳定运行条件,导致实际系统发生灾难性 performance indexes and parameters were obtained to 事故。正因为负荷建模的重要性,在过去 30 多年 globally describe the dynamic responses of the induction 里已有很多电力工作者致力于如何得到精确的负 motor loads by simulation analysis. Secondly, based on the 荷模型。负荷模型对系统电压稳定和暂态稳定特性 eigen analysis of induction motos., attenuation rate of the 及稳定控制的重要影响更是激发了人们对负荷建 mechanical eigen mode of induction motor was defined, and 模的兴趣[1-8] 。尽管投入了大量的研究工作并且取得 an effective algorithsm was presented to compare the stability 了一定成果,但是负荷建模仍然是大型电力系统仿 behaviours of different induction motor loads. These


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