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习交流开拓视野,资源共享合作共赢--深圳外贸论坛 热情欢迎外贸各行 各业的朋友加入我们共创美好明天;转载请注明转载出处来自深圳外贸论坛 对外贸易常用英语-外贸英语 They mainly trade with Japanese firms. 他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。 For the past five years, we have done a lot of trade with your company. 在过去的五年中,我们与贵国进行了罅康拿骋住?/P Our trade is conducted on the basis of equality. 我们是在平等的基础上进行贸易。 There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you. 和你们的羊毛贸易已有所减少。 Our foreign trade is continuously expanding. 我们的 外贸易不断发展。 Trade in leather has gone up (down) 3%. 皮革贸易上升(下降)了百分之三。 Trade in general is improving. 贸易情况正在好转。 Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts. 我们公司主要经营手工艺品。 They are well-known in trade circles. 他们在贸易界很有名望。 We trade with people in all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我们在平等互利的基础上和各国人民进行贸易。 To respect the local custom of the buying country is one important aspect of Chinas foreign policy. 尊重买方国家的风俗习 是我国贸易政策的一个重要方面。 Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you. 我们的目的是和你们探讨一下发展贸易的可能性。 习交流开拓视野,资源共享合作共赢--深圳外贸论坛 热情欢迎外贸各行 各业的朋友加入我们共创美好明天;转载请注明转载出处来自深圳外贸论坛 Words and Phrases foreign trade 外贸易 overseas trade 海外贸易 international trade 国际贸易 to trade with 和 进行贸易 to do business in a moderate way 做生意稳重 to do business in a sincere way 做生意诚恳 to make a deal 做一笔交易 deal 交易,经营,处理,与 交往 to deal in 经营,做生意 to explore the possibilities of 探讨 的可能性 trade circles 贸易界 to handle 经营某商品 to trade in 经营某商品 business scope/frame 经营范围 trading firm/house 贸易行,商行 Can we do a barter trade? 咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢? Is it still a direct barter trade? 这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗? If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, well give you paper in exchange for your timber. 如果你方同意我们进行易货贸易的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。 Shall we sign a triangle trade agreement? 我们订一个三角贸易协议好吗? A triangle trade can be carried out among the three of us. 习交流开拓视野,资源共享合作共赢--深圳外贸论坛 热情欢迎外贸各行 各业的朋友加入我们共创美好明天;转载请注明转载出处来自深圳外贸论坛 我们三方可进行三角贸易。 Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan. 补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷。 We may agree to do processing tra


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