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信息安全英语复习范围 题型 英译汉填空(单词与词组)(每空2分,10道题,共20分) 汉译英填空(单词与词组)(每空2分,10道题,共20分) 英译汉(整段落翻译)(每题5分,4道题,共20分) 汉译英(英文段落中填空)(每空2分,10个空,共20分) 回答问题与写作(5分,5分,写作10分,共20分) 复习要点 (第1,2看章节后的单词和目录 ;第3,第4,第5道题,参阅PPT) 英译汉填空(单词与词组)(每空2分,10道题,共20分) 课后Glossary,词组缩写; 目录 Catalogue内容; 信息安全英语最核心单词; 汉译英填空(单词与词组)(每空2分,10道题,共20分) 课后Glossary,词组缩写; 目录 Catalogue内容; 信息安全英语最核心单词; 英译汉(整段落翻译)(每题5分,4道题,共20分) 对称密钥运算法则是一类密码系统运算法则,在加密和解密过程中使用相关的密钥。 加密密钥与解密密钥关联,因此密钥可能是相同的或是可以通过简单运算相互转换。实际应用中,两密钥或多密钥之间共享私有信息之间的连接 其他对称密钥密码有:单密钥密码和秘密密钥密码。后者与公钥密码中的私钥不等同。 Symmetric-key algorithms are generally much less computationally intensive than asymmetric key algorithms. In practice, this means that a quality asymmetric key algorithm is hundreds or thousands of times slower than a quality symmetric key algorithm. 非对称密钥算法一般要比对称密钥算法计算密集得多。在实践中,这意味着优质的非对称密钥算法对称密钥算法慢几百或几千倍。选择错误损失,被称为密钥管理,是很难可靠地实现。Various methods have been used historically to manage this. There have been book ciphers, in which the shared key is related to some content in a book, auto-key ciphers in which the key is partially derived from theplaintext,grillciphers (supposedly first invented by the Italian mathematicianGerolamo Cardano), etc. In modern times, after computers became available, most symmetric ciphers have been based on repeated rounds. Usually a rather simple scheme for each round is used repeatedly as in the following generic example. This general method is usually ascribed toHorst Feistel. For a more indepth description of this method (with diagrams) seeFeistel cipher. 2.3.5 Attacks on Symmetric Ciphers Symmetric ciphers have historically been susceptible toknown-plaintext attacks,chosen plaintext attacks,differential cryptanalysisandlinear cryptanalysis. Careful construction of the functions for each round can greatly reduce the chances of a successful attack. 对称密码历来易受到攻击,像已知明文攻击、选择明文攻击、差分密码分析和线性密码分析。 仔细设计每个算法能有效降低被成功攻击的几率。 公钥加密 (学生翻译)Public key cryptography is a form of cryptography which generally allows users to communicate securely without



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