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2013年 月 日ABSTRACT
Technology is the study of mechanical processing technology and fixture design technology subject。The graduation design research topic is stepless transmission driven pulley plate of nc machining process design activity,The main contents are as follows:First of all, analyze the components, the main analysis is the parts function, structure and process analysis,we Can understand the basic information of the parts, through the analysis of the parts,And process analysis can know parts processing surface and the processing requirements,Determination of blank shape and size manufacturing。Secondly, for the selection, determine the processing precision in the process of benchmarking and crude benchmark.。According to choose good benchmark, making craft route plan。Then, according to the established process routes, choice and processing equipment and process equipment, and determine every step of cutting parameter.,The fourth step, the cylindrical fixture design Φ diameter 121 mm. Fixture design is put forward first, choose the locating datum, then fixture structure scheme is determined, and then start cutting force, clamping force, calculation and analysis of fixing error。Finally, the whole design process to design specifications and drawings, so the design completed。
Keywords:Disc from the wheel;processing technic;fixture design
1.1零件的作用 5
1.2零件的工艺分析 5
1.3确定毛坯的制造形成 6
1.4基面的选择 6
1.5制造工艺路线 6
1.6机械加工余量 6
1.7工艺路线方案 7
2.1原始条件 11
2.2设计步骤 11
2.3选择刀片型号和尺寸 12
2.4选择硬质合金刀垫型号和尺寸 13
2.5计算刀槽角度 13
2.6选择刀杆材料和尺寸 16
2.6.1选择偏心角及其相关尺寸 16
3. 量具设计 17
3.1光滑极限量规的种类 17
3.2工作量规 17
3.3量规公差带的布置 18
3.4量规的技术要求 18
3.5量规的结构型式 19
3.5.1量规工作尺寸的计算 19
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