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孔子学院/独立孔子课堂项目经费预决算申报Confucius Institutes/Independent Classrooms’Submission of project budget and financial accounts 孔子学院总部 财务处 Confucius Institute Headquarters Division of Finance 2014.7 预算管理的原则和内容是什么? What are the principles and contents of budget management? 预算管理流程 The budget management process 预算管理权责 Accountability of budget management 预算管理流程 The budget management process 预算的编制程序 Procedures in making budget 预算管理流程 The budget management process 孔子学院 Confucius Institute 孔子学院处 Division of Confucius Institute Affairs 财务处 Division of Finance 总部领导 Leaders of Confucius Institute Headquarters 孔子学院项目经费审批流程 Program budget approval process 孔子学院(课堂)预算申请及审批情况 Overview of CI/CC budget submission and approval status Up till June 30th of 2014, 88% of all operating Confucius Institutes and Independent Classrooms have submitted their annual budget, 72% of which were subsequently approved by the Headquarters. 截止2014年6月30日,所有已运营的孔子学院和独立孔子课堂年度预算提交率为88%,其中72%的孔子学院(课堂)已通过总部审批并拨付经费。 孔子学院(课堂)预算申请及审批情况 Overview of CI/CC budget submission and approval status 孔子学院(课堂)预算申请及审批情况 Overview of CI/CC budget submission and approval status 孔子学院(课堂)预算申请及审批情况 Overview of CI/CC budget submission and approval status 4月1日 Apr. 1 3月15日Mar. 15 1月15日Jan. 15 12月 Dec. 11月 Nov. 9月15日Sept. 15 1月1日 Jan. 1 9月15日前报送次年项目预算 To submit for approval prior to Sep.15 拨付预拨经费 To allocate advance appropriation 次年1月15日前报送上一年度决算 To submit final accounting before Jan.15 of the following year 3月15日前总部审核批准预算 To be verified and approved before Mar. 15 of the following year 4月1日前核拨总部资金 Appropriated before Apr.1 第六条? 项目资金申请书中应包括所在单位计划投入资金金额及来源,原则上应与申请总部资金金额1:1配套投入。 Article 6 Application of program funds shall include planned funding amount and source of present unit, which in principle shall equal to the funds amount applied to the headquarters. 孔子学院(课堂)预算申请及审批情况 Overview of CI/CC budget submission and approval status The degree o