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毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:陕西省农村城镇化建设中的财政问题分析 学生姓名: 高 敏 学 号:1101170333 专 业: 财政学 班 级: 1103班 指导教师: 张 雪 绸 完成日期: 年 月 日 陕西省农村城镇化建设中的财政问题分析 内容摘要 农村城镇化是国之盛策,民之福生,是衡量一个国家经济发展水平和社会发展水平高低的重要标志,在新农村建设中具有不可或缺的作用。近年来,陕西财政积极发挥职能作用,着力推进城镇化建设,取得了阶段性成效。但由于城镇化建设中存在着规划不够科学资金投入力度不够等问题,严重制约了城镇化建设的进一步发展。本文在分析农村城镇化建设意义的基础上,探讨了陕西农村城镇化建设的现状及存在的问题,最后对陕西农村城镇化建设存在的问题提出了对策和建议。 关键词: 陕西省 农村城镇化 财政政策 英文题目: Abstract The rural urbanization is the house , the people’s blessing , is an important symbol to measure a country’s level of economic development and social development level , plays an indispensable role in the construction of new countryside . In recent years , the shanxi government actively perform their functions , to promote the urbanization construction , has achieved results . But because of the problem of planning is not scientific enough capital investment is not enough , in the urbanization construction , seriously restricted the further development of the urbanization construction . In this paper , the results and the financial situation of the rural urbanization of shanxi province ,analysis , puts forward some relevant problems of fiscal measures . The full text is divided into three chapters , the first chapter describes the concept and significance of the construction of rural urbanization , the second chapter has carried on the analysis to the development condition of shanxi rural urbanization , discusses the current situation of the development of shanxi urbanization of rural areas , and the existing problems in the construction of rural urbanization has made the analysis , the third chapter puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on the existing problems of shanxi urban and rural construction . Keywords: Shanxi Province Urbanization Fiscal meas 目录 序言 1 一、农村城镇化建设的意义 2 (一)农村城镇化的概念 2 (二)农村城镇化建设的意义 2 1.有利于城乡之间的良性


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