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中原工学院信息商务学院商学系 运输学学期论文 姓  名   号 专  业 年月日 关键词:经济一体化;现代物流;市场; Abstract Container transportation is one of the main methods of international transport of goods, the trend of global economic integration decision container transport has involved enterprisess core interests and even the national economy, to develop container transport had a profound strategic significance. Container transport as an advanced form of transport organization and management, has been widely used at home and abroad. Modern container transportation boom has spread around the world, all countries in the popularization and development of container transport as a sign of transport modernization of country. Container transport is an advanced way of modernization of transportation, the railway transport of goods is a big change. Instead of traditional mode of transportation in container transportation, can greatly promote and promote the transportation industry to develop in the direction of high efficient and high quality. In the development of container transportation in our country, although made great efforts, have made considerable achievements, but compared to the container transportation in developed countries and regions, there are a lot of difference, also need to be in progress with international container transport. Through the analysis about the present situation of container transportation in our country, analyze the problems faced by the container transport in China, put forward the strategy of developing container transportation in China, speed up the development of container transportation market. Ensure that container transport in changing impregnable in the fierce competition in the market. Key Words: Container transportation; Economic integration; Modern logistics; market 目 录言 二 集装箱运输是20世纪50年代以来发展迅猛的一种运输方式。我国的集装箱运输起步于1973,从港口接卸集装箱开始发展的。随着我国的一些主要对外口岸迅速发展,20世纪80年代后期开始我国也步入了集装箱运输阶段。早起集装箱运输的时间发展时期很长,但发展的相对缓慢,其运输的主要特征仅限于陆上运输,直至美国人提出集装箱运输应该实行“海路联运”这一个心的概念,从此集装箱运输才开始真正壮大起来,集装箱运输也由此脱变为现代


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