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Andy Wen 温 子 先 Aedas 凯 达 环 球 Andy has been working as a Design Ar- 温先生现出任凯达凯达环球建筑设计咨询 chitect for over 20 years with significant (北京)有限公司设计董事一职。 experience across sectors. He was in- volved in numerous projects including 温先生从事建筑设计逾二十年,拥有广博 masterplans, residential towers, apart- 的项目经验,曾参与不同类型的建设,包 ment complexes, villas, 5-star hotels, pla- 括总体规划、住宅大楼、公寓楼、别墅、 zas and offices. Working for firms in the 五星级酒店、广场及办公楼等。而且,温 United States, Taiwan and China, Andy 先生曾在美国、台湾和内地工作,至今拥 has developed an extensive client net- 有庞大的客户网络,客户群中包括地产投 work. He has worked with various inter- 资者、连锁酒店集团、国际商业机构、小 national clients ranging from real estate 型酒店发展商和住宅物业公司等。 investors, hotel chains and international commercial corporations to smaller-scale 他除了擅长各类型建设项目外,对室内设 hotel developers and residential property 计也十分在行,曾为不同建筑设施提供室 firms. Apart from architectural projects, 内设计和高档陈设,包括大学、私人企 Andy was also experienced in perform- 业、零售商铺、餐厅、图书馆、住宅及公 ing interior services. He has design and 寓等,并利用十六个系列的原创家具、照 built office interiors and high-end furnish- 明及配件,塑造出形形色色的风格,如摩 ings for universities, corporate, private 登风格、以至富现代感的亚洲风格。 companies, retail stores, restaurants, li- braries, housing and apartments. He has 温先生在大学校园规划和教育设施,高档 over 16 lines of designer furnitures, light- 住宅、酒店和办公室设计,室内设计方面 ing and accessories, with styles ranging 拥有丰富的经验,为他此后执掌设计董事 from modern to Asian contemporary. The 职务提供很大助力。他现时亦为北京清华 experience he has gained in high-quality 大学及中央美术学院兼任教授,任教建设 custom residential, hotel and office de- 计研究课程。 sign highlights and supports his role as Director in Aedas. Meanwhile, he is also a part-time Professor at Tsinghua Univer- sity and Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing where he teaches graduate level architectural and design students. Design S


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