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高电压与绝缘技术 ·1473 · 高速铁路接触网雷电过电压分析 张雪原 吴广宁 王万岗 李瑞芳 西南交通大学电气工程学院 四川 成都 610031 【摘 要】 我国的牵引供电系统雷击跳闸次数很高,严重影响牵引供电的可靠性。为了有效地降低雷 害的影响,有必要对雷电过电压的跳闸进行分析。本文利用雷击放电与接触网上感应电压 的关系,计算出了接触网上感应过电压的幅值大小和跳闸次数;利用支柱的等效电路模型 计算了雷击支柱的跳闸次数,利用波阻抗模型计算了雷击导线的跳闸次数。计算表明,感 应雷引起的跳闸次数在总的雷击跳闸次数中占主要部分,由于雷电主放电通道放电速度的 分散性,感应雷的跳闸次数在很大范围累变化。 【关键词】 雷电过电压 接触网 跳闸 铁道 Analyse of the The Tripping about the Traction Power Systems Zhang Xueyuan Wu Guangning Wang Wangang Li Ruifang Southwest Jiaotong University ,Chengdu 610031 ,Sichuan ,China Abstract :The traction power dependability is affected greatly because the tripping number by the lightning overvoltage is big in the traction power systems in China. We must analyze the tripping by the lightning overvoltage so that it’s found the way to reduce the effect of the lightning overvoltage. The amplitude of the lightning current and the tripping number are calculated using the relationship between the lightning current and the induced overvoltage on the catenary. And the tripping number is discussed by the circuit model of the pole when the lighting strikes the poles and by the surge impedance when the lightning strikes the lead. The calculation result indicates that the tripping of the induced overvoltage is the main part of the total tripping of the lightning overvoltage. The tripping number changes in a wide range because of the dispersive discharge rate in the main channels of the lightning. Key words :lightning overvoltage ;catenary ;tripping ;railway 1 前 言 牵引供电网是电气化铁路的关键设备之一,实 际运行表明,其遭受雷害在程度相当严重[1] 。我国 电气化铁路方面的研究人


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