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新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit2 SectionA.ppt
Learning the Olympic Standard for Love Tape script of the speech N H C E Back 课文 小结 写作 导入 Others have experienced the compelling power of a world temporarily united in a celebration of all that we share in common. But inevitably, as we have returned home after the Olympic flame has been extinguished, so too have our concepts of what is possible in this world been forgotten. Look again into the faces of these athletes, promise them that you will never forget what you feel and see tonight. Look into their faces, and you’ll see the possibilities. For if we believe, there is nothing we cannot achieve; and if we dream, all things are possible. Thank you. 返回 背景知识 复合听写 随 笔 不论······与否 不论得志与否,人贵在自知之明。 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 adj. and/or otherwise Back successful or otherwise / be wise of one to do sth. / know the limitations of one’s own It is wise of one, successful or otherwise, to know the limitations of one’s own. 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 N H C E 短语逆 译 in the current time of fierce competition / staff recruitment / set higher and higher standards for In the current time of fierce competition, most companies set higher and higher standards for staff recruitment. 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 为······确立标准 在当今激烈竞争时代,多数公司为员工招聘制定了越来越高的标准。 to set a standard for… Back 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 N H C E 短语逆 译 in one’s combat with the earthquake / great disaster / great love In their combat with the earthquake, people came upon a truth that, just as great disaster occurred, so arose great love. 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 偶然遇见;偶然发现 在抗震中,人们忽然发现了一条真理:大灾有大爱。 to come upon Back 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 N H C E 短语逆 译 rich with love / others’ sufferings As a man rich with love, he is never indifferent to others’ sufferings. to be indifferent to 短 语 应 用 意 群 提 示 对······漠不关心;对······冷漠 作为一个富有爱心的人,他对别人的疾苦从不漠不关心。 Back 新视野 - 短 语 应 用 N H C E 短语逆 译 seem indifferent to the world around / in effect / save too much passion for sth. He seems indifferent to th
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