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作为城市能源基础设施的热泵应用 Application of Heat Pump as Urban Energy Infrastructrue 同济大学 龙惟定 Prof. Long Weiding, Tongji University 世界能源形势 Status of World Energy • 中国超过美国,成为世界最大能源消费国和碳排放国。Overtaking the U.S. , China became the worlds largest energy consumer and carbon emitter. • 围绕能源的国际冲突愈演愈烈。 International conflict intensified around the energy. • 能源利用的影响已经超出环境极限。The impact of energy usage is beyond the environmental limits. • 能源供应丌能满足20亿人口的照明和炊事的最基本需求。The energy supply does not provide basic energy needs as light and healthy cooking facilities to 2 billions of the world’s population • 必须将气候变化限制在2℃的限制内。 To avoid dangerous climate change we must limit global warming to 2ºC 中国城市化趋势 The trends of China’s urbanization • 2011年中国城市化率达到51.27% ,是中国历史的里程碑。The urbanization rate in China has reached to 51.27% in 2011. It is a milestone in Chinese history. • 到2025年中国城市人口增加3.5亿,相当于整个美国。350 million: will be added to Chinas urban population by 2025- more than the population of todays United States • 到2030年中国城市人口将达10亿。1 billion: people who will live in Chinas cities by 2030 • 将有221个百万人口城市。221: Chinese cities will have one million plus people living in them. • 新增50亿平方米道路面积。5 billion: square meters of road will be paved • 将建设170条高速铁路。170: mass transit systems will be built • 新建500万幢建筑,400亿平方米建筑面积。40 billion: square meters of floor space will be built- in five million buildings • 5万幢超高层建筑,相当于10个纽约。50,000: of these buildings could be skyscrapers- the equivalent of constructing up to ten New York cities. • 2025年GDP是现在的5倍。5 times: the number by which GDP will have multiplied by 2025. • 中国讲英语的人口超过世界任何一个国家。China has more people that speak English than any other country on Earth! Source: “Preparing for China’s Urban Billion” the McKinsey Global Institute 现代城市能源消耗的六大“转移”趋势 • 传统制造业发展到现代制造业,工艺能耗转移为建筑


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