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自控原理总复习 Module 3 First-order Systems (一阶系统) Fig.3.4 First-order system transfer function Fig.3.10 First-order feedback control system Fig.3.11 Step response of feedback system Rule #8 : The angle between the direction of emergence (or entry) of q coincident poles(or zeros) on the real axis. Re Im Fig.10.5 Two poles breaking away from the real axis Im Re Fig.10.6 Three poles breaking away from the real axis 3 poles Rule #9 : The gain at a selected point Rule #10 : If are closed-loop poles Then (? at least two more open-loop poles than open-loop zeros) Linear Control Systems Engineering 线性控制系统工程 Module 11 System Design Using the Root Locus (根轨迹系统分析) Linear Control Systems Engineering 线性控制系统工程 Module 12 Frequecy response and nyquist diagrams (频率响应和 nyquist 图) When t? ? r(t) c(t) b. frequence response c. abtain frequence response from transfer founction ? Transfer function Magnitude M Phase Asymptotes TABLE 12.1.Frequency response of transfer function elements 3 start point 4 final point n m n-m=3 n-m=1 n-m=2 Linear Control Systems Engineering 线性控制系统工程 Module 13 Nyquist Stability Criterion (Nyquist 稳定判据) Module 5 Second-Order System Time -Domain Response (二阶系统时域响应) Relationship Between System Poles and Transient Response Characteristic equation: Closed-loop pole (conjugate pair) Im Re Fig.5.4 Relationship between poles and time-domain parameters Considering the step time-domain response t Tr Rise time Tp Peak time Ts(2%) Settling time Fig.5.6 Representative second-order step response Overshoot Steady-state output +2% c(t) 1.0 ? Time Domain Performance Specifications Consider a underdamped system is subjected to a step input, the performance items include:


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