Multiplexed In Situ Immunofluorescence Using Dynamic DNA.pdfVIP

Multiplexed In Situ Immunofluorescence Using Dynamic DNA.pdf

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. Angewandte Communications DOI: 10.1002/anie.201204304 Fluorescence Imaging Multiplexed In Situ Immunofluorescence Using Dynamic DNA Complexes** Ryan M. Schweller, Jan Zimak, Dzifa Y. Duose, Amina A. Qutub, Walter N. Hittelman, and Michael R. Diehl* Dynamic DNA complexes are a new class of DNA devices route to image different sets of proteins by using multiple that can be engineered to function as programmable molec- rounds of fluorescence microscopy and allowing the proteins ular machines,[1] detectors,[2] logic gates,[3] and chemical to be labeled, imaged, and their labels to be removed/erased amplifiers.[4, 5] A unique feature of these devices is that, sequentially. instead of purely classical hybridization mechanisms, they The ability to visualize multiple sets of proteins within harness a process called strand displacement to facilitate the individual cells has become increasingly important, particu- exchange of oligonucleotides between different thermody- larly when considering that many contemporary biological namically stable DNA complexes.[6, 7] As a result, adaptive studies now require more comprehensive, spatially delineated and/or reconfigurable molecular devices can be created that analyses of protein pathways and networks within biological operate through enzyme-free, isothermal chemical reactions samples.[14] Such analyses are currently limited by the spectral between different oligonucleotide complexes. Whil




