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最新航海英语题库3300 A [800]A long splice in a line ______. A. is used in running rigging B. doubles the size of the line C. is only used on fiber rope D. is very weak KEY: A [802]The Vessel is ______ with CO2 system in all cargo compartments and suitable for the carriage of a full cargo of cotton. A. fitted B. contained C. held D. made KEY: b船舶的所有货舱装备有CO2系统并适合于装载全部的棉制货物。 [805]Before entering an ice area,the ship should be ______. A. either trimmed by the head or the stern B. on an even keel C. trimmed down by the head D. trimmed down by the stern KEY: D进入冰区前,船舶应调整为尾倾。 [806] Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ___ A. ballast B. reserve buoyancy C. displacement D. rolling periods KEY: B保持吃水在或在载重线以下将确保船舶具有适当的保留浮力。 [807]During the day,a vessel with a tow over 200 meters in length will show ______. A. a black ball B. a diamond shape 精耕数载深得信赖 船员求职招聘首选网站 C. two cones,apexes together D. one cone,apex upward KEY: B [808]The single letter G, sent by an icebreaker to an assisted vessel, means ______. A. I require a pilot B. Longitude follows C. I am going ahead; follow me D. Do not follow me KEY: C 由破冰船发给被协助船的单字母G表示不要跟我。 [809]The sprocket wheel in a windlass,used for heaving in the anchor,is called a ______. A. capstan B. dog wheel C. fairlead D. wildcat KEY: D [811]Navigational warnings are published according to ______. A. the designed area B. the designated area C. the indicated area D. all area over the world KEY: B [812]The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes ______. A. geographical position B. speed C. heading D. longitude KEY: C [815] A “figure eight”knot is used to ______. A. be a stopper


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