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* 30 * 30 * Examples of tax return preparation software include TurboTax by Quicken and TaxCut by HR Block. * 11 * 11 * We will follow this scenario throughout the first section of this chapter (the section on price elasticity of demand) to illustrate and motivate several important concepts, such as the impact of price changes on sales and revenue. * 2 2 * * 4 5 价格变化1%引起的需求量的变化百分比值。 它是一种物品的需求量对其价格变动的反应程度的衡量。 * 16 10 * 5 6 * 6 6 * 7 7 * 8 7 * 8 7 * 8 7 * 8 7 * 8 7 * * 73 5 * 29 19 * 32 21 * 32 21 * 32 21 * These problems, perhaps similar to those you might ask on an exam, are complex in that they test several skills at once: Students must determine whether demand for each good is elastic or inelastic, and they must determine the impact of a price change on revenue/expenditure. So far, we’ve been talking about how elasticity determines the effects of an increase in P on revenue. Part (b) asks your students to determine the effects of a decrease in P. * * 37 价格变动1%引起的供給量的变动百分比值。 它是一种物品的供給量对其价格变动的反应程度的衡量。 * 46 29 4 税收问题 税收变动效应: 4 税收问题 商品需求缺乏弹性而供给富有弹性下的税收分摊: 4 税收问题 商品需求富有弹性而供给缺乏弹性下的税收分摊: * 2 2 * 4 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 8 * 8 * 17 * 17 * 12 * 19 * 19 * 11 * 13 消费者收入 * 15 * * * 19 * In each case, there are only three possible answers: - the curve shifts to the right - the curve shifts to the left - the curve does not shift (though there may be a movement along the curve) * 11 * 11 * 11 * 8 * 8 * 28 * 29 * 29 图. 非均衡状态的市场 冰激凌蛋卷 需求量 0 供给 需求 (a) 超额供给 需求量 供给量 过剩 冰激凌蛋卷的数量 4 $2.50 10 2.00 7 均衡 过剩 当价格高于均衡价格时,供給量大于需求量。 存在超额供给或过剩。 供给者通过降低价格来增加销售,这使价格向其均衡水平变动。 图. 非均衡状态的市场 冰激凌蛋卷 需求量 0 冰激凌蛋卷的数量 供给 供给 (b) 超额需求 供給量 需求量 1.50 10 $2.00 7 4 短缺 均衡 短缺 当价格低于市场均衡价格时,需求量超过了供給量。 存在着超额需求或短缺。 由于太多卖者要购买太少的物品,供给者将提高价格。因此价格将趋向于市场均衡价格。 Equilibrium 均衡 Law of supply and demand 供求定理 The claim that the price of any good adjusts to bring the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded for that good i


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