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1、Characteristics of enzyme Enzymes have extraordinary catalytic power, often far greater than those non-biological catalysts. Enzymes often have a high degree of specificity for their substrates. Enzymes are often regulated. Enzymes usually work under very mild conditions of temperature and pH. 3、Enzymes are classified into six major groups defined by the reaction that they catalyze. ① Km value is equal to the [S] at ? of Vmax, its unit is mol/L. ② Significances: a) Km is one of characteristic constants of an enzyme; b) Km can be used to represent the affinity of enzyme to its substrate; the larger, the less affinity c) There are different Km values for an enzyme to different substrates 10、沉淀分离方法 14、酶促反应的有机介质体系 1、含微量水的有机溶剂单相体系; 2、与水混溶的有机溶剂和水形成的单相体系; 3、水与有机溶剂形成的两相或多相体系: 4、反相胶束体系; 不管采用何种有机介质反应体系,酶催化反应的介质中都含有机溶剂和一定量的水。它们都对催化反应有显著的影响。 所谓模拟酶就是利用有机化学的方法合成一些比酶简单的非蛋白质分子,可以模拟酶对底物的络合和催化过程,既可达到酶催化的高效性,又可以克服酶的不稳定性。 6、defined medium: One kind of culture mediums, which is compounded by many pure chemical reagent, and the components ( including the microelement ) are defined exactly. 7、immobilized enzyme: The enzymes that are attached to, or entrapped within, a macroscopic support matrix so that the resulting catalyst can be reused. 8、non-aqueous enzymology: Biocatalysts not only work in non-aqueous systems, but also display many good properties. 9、ribozyme: An RNA molecule that is capable of performing specific biochemical reactions, similar to the action of protein enzymes. 10、abzyme: An abzyme from antibody and enzyme is a monoclonal antibody with catalytic activity. 1、The specificity of a reaction decided by apoenzyme. The sort and character of a reaction decided by cofactor. 2、Combine with apoenzyme loosely, the coenzyme could be removed by ultrafiltration or dialysis. However, combine with apoenzyme tightly through covalent bonds , the prosthetic group couldn’t be removed by ultrafiltration or dialysis. 3、The active site is a three-dimensional


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