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exit solo reentry 再进入 soloist 独奏者;独唱者 main entrance 大门口 drum band 鼓乐队 rear gate 后门 duet 双重奏;二重奏 disturb our neighbours 惊扰邻里(座) trio 三重奏;三重唱 quartet 四重奏;四重唱 country music 乡村音乐 guitar rock music violin pop music piano folk music saxophone 萨克斯管 light music appear comedian 喜剧演员 mime artist 哑剧大师 acrobat 杂技演员 modern ballet 现代芭蕾舞 state circus 国家马戏团 illustrate puppet 木偶 jazz band fire-eating trapeze art 空中吊杠吃火表演 orchestra 管弦乐;管弦乐队 authentic Jamaican reggae 地道的牙买加雷盖音乐 symphony 交响乐;交响乐队 magic illusion and mystery 魔术幻象 string 弦乐;弦乐队 main attraction 主要景观;压轴戏 concerto 协奏乐 favourite sonata 奏鸣乐 new album 新唱片 western music release 发行 classic music newsreader 新闻主播 rescue 营救 headlines 报纸首页大字标题;新闻内容提要 land highlights 新闻摘要;头版重要新闻 take-off detailed report 详细报道 privately chartered aeroplane 私人包租的航班 international news airport local news pilot 十三、新闻报道-事故灾难 prime minister 首相 aircraft official passenger spokesman rescue operation 营救行动 promise owe to suffer serious disaster rail crash 火车相撞 accident express特快列车 drought stricken 遭遇旱灾的 bound for 开往 earthquake collide with 与……相撞 volcano goods train flood truck pledge 宣誓;保证 van 大蓬货车,运货车 restructure 重建 private car re-allocate 重新分配 be killed describe hurt worthy cause 有价值的事业,崇高的事业 injured financial assistance 经济支助 damage financial ruin 经济损失 in critical condition 处于生死关头 in progress embankment (铁路,公路等的)路堤 fire brigade 消防队 coordinate trapped emergency wreckage 残余 survivor destruction crash investigator 事故调查员 rescue service 营救服务 concern crash signaling light 信号灯 medical team come into operation 进入运作 locomotive 火车头,机车 failure of the light 信号灯失灵 carriage be responsible for 对……负有责任;是……的原因 front rule out other possibilities 裁决排除其他可能性 rear set up hotline 开通热线 derailed (火车)出轨的 require information 问询 lying on their side (火车等)翻车的,侧卧的 toll-free number 免费(电话)号码 vacant position 待聘职位 wage applicant 申请人 coffer time(15 minutes) 喝咖啡的休息时间(15分钟) advertisement lunch time (1 hour) receptionist buying clothes at (25%) discount assistant in the third year job i


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