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摘 要 摘 要 《伊川易传》又称《周易程氏传》、《程氏易传》,共 4 卷,15 万字。1981 年 中华书局出版的《二程集》中收入该书。此书是程颐平生用力最多的著作,是其 理学思想的主干,是其思想学术的代表,是其最重要的学术著作。 本文以伊川易学与理学为研究对象,力求从其易学中体验其理学思想,从而 探究程颐的伦理价值观念。 《伊川易传》是程颐理学的主要思想来源,他在易学基础 上诠释理学,又用理学来建构其易学思想。程颐以义理解易与以易创“理”的圆融合一 是其易学的创新和主要贡献。他以“理”作为其易学的最高哲学范畴,通过对道器关系、 理气关系、理事关系的论述,建立了理本体论的哲学体系。又根据其理本体论的易学哲 学,引申出人性论、伦理学、道德修养工夫等一系列价值体系,以寻求穷理尽性、内圣 外王而入道的圣人境界,也即天人合一、宇宙万物生命一体的精神境界。 关键词 《伊川易传》 理学 伦理价值观 I Abstract Abstract The book of Yichuan Yi Zhuan, which is also called Zhou Yi Cheng Shi Zhuan or Cheng Shi Zhou Yi Zhuan, is comprised of four volumes, totally 15 million words. Yichuan Yi Zhuan is collected in the book of Er Cheng Ji published by Zhonghua Publishing House. Yichuan Yi Zhuan is the main contribution of Cheng Yi, the core of School of Principle, and the most representative work. This paper taking Yi and School of Principle as the research objects, aims to explore Cheng Yi’s thought of moral values by comprehending the theory of Principle from Yi. Yichuan Yi Zhuan is the original recourse of Cheng Yi’s School of Principle. Cheng Yi interpreted School of Principle on the base of Yi and then constructed the Yi with School of Principle. Cheng Yi’s major contribution and innovation is to harmonize the two ways—through School of Principle to understand the Yi, and construct School of Principle by Yi. He took Principle as the highest level in philosophical category, and founded ontological Principle in philosophical system by discussing the relationshi


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