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基于文化视角的英汉姓名分析 摘要 姓名是一种各民族都具有的语言现象, 它除了作为区别不同人的识别符号, 更是一个民族文化、历史积淀的载体。在全球化趋势愈加明显的今天,跨文化交际显得越来越重要,然而中西文化除了作为人类历史发展所具有的共性之外,还存在着巨大的差异性,这种差异性让跨文化交流的进行存在阻碍,而克服这种阻碍的最初步骤就是需要我们去了解对方的文化内容。其中,姓名文化是中西文化的一种具体表现形式,英汉姓名的文化既有相似性也有差异性。 本文总共分为四个章节,通过参看文献,结合身边现象与事例加以分析总结的方式,从姓与名的起源、取名的原则和姓名寓意及反映的文化现象等方面对英汉姓名文化当中的相似性与差异性进行对比研究,分析隐含在英汉姓名体系背后的民族文化内涵,从而了解到英汉姓名文化具有各自的特点,但同作为人类文明的内容,它们在某些方面也具有相似性,因而在对两大姓名体系乃至各自整体文化进行学习的过程中,我们需要用求同存异的眼光来看待,相互尊重对方文化传统,使得跨文化的交流能够顺利、深入的进行。 关键字:英汉姓名 相似性 差异性 跨文化 ABSTRACT Name is a linguistic phenomenon in each nation. It not only plays the role of distinguishing different people, but performs as a carrier of a nation’s culture. At present, cross-cultural communication attracts growing concerns due to globalization trend. However, besides the similarities among Western and Eastern cultures, the differences between these two cultures work as a barrier in the way of English-Chinese cross-cultural communication. The first step to conquer these obstructions is to learn and know more about the other’s culture. Name culture which includes the traits of both sides is a specific presentation of a nation’s culture. This article is composed of four chapters. The writer compares the English and Chinese name culture through reading Bibliography and doing observations in origin of names, principle of entitling and allegorical aspects, analyzing cultural intension behind the racial civilization so that we know more characters of English-Chinese name culture. Through the analysis between two kinds of name culture, we realize that as a part of human civilization content, English-Chinese name cultures share many similarities, but the different part is the major feature. If we want to promote English-Chinese cross-cultural communication, we need to know and respect the other culture. Key words: English-Chinese name culture, similarity, difference, cross-culture 引言 西方哲学家卡西尔在《人论》中指出:人是运用符号来创造文化的,而“人类的文化起于制名”,“无名万物之始,有名万物之母”,即人类的文化自命名开始。姓名不单单是一个用于区别人与人的符号,它还是一个民族的社会历史、风俗习惯、思想道德


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