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GENERAL SPECIFICATION 总体规格书 MATERIALS FOR OFFSHORE STRUCTURES 海洋结构物的材料 CACT-NONE-S-F993-S002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Scope 3 1.2 References 3 1.3 Codes and Standards 3 1.4 Material Substitutions 5 2. STEEL 5 2.1 Grades 5 2.2 Quality Control and Inspection 7 2.3 Fabricated Structural Pipe 8 2.4 Miscellaneous Steel 9 3. TIMBER 10 3.1 General 10 3.2 Launch Runners 10 4. MATERIAL TRACEABILITY AND DOCUMENTATION 10 4.1 General 10 4.2 System Components 11 5. INSPECTION 13 6. STORAGE OF MATERIAL 14 Attachment 1 Traceability Cross-Reference Table Project 15 INTRODUCTION 导言 Scope 适用范围 This General Specification defines an acceptable standard for the manufacture and supply of carbon steel and carbon-manganese steel flat plate, plate for tubulars, structural shapes, structural tubulars, and miscellaneous materials to be used in the fabrication of the fixed offshore structure(s) defined in the Technical Specifications. 此规格定义了在技术说明书中对于固定式海洋结构物建造所用到的各种碳钢和碳锰钢材料的钢板,卷管用板,结构型钢和结构管材以及附件材料的标准。 This General Specification is intended for offshore structures, which will be subject to specific environmental conditions as follows: 此规格专门用于受以下特殊环境条件影响的海洋结构物。 Up to 400 feet water depth. 400英尺以上水深。 Mild climates such as offshore US Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, and the South China Sea. 温和的气候条件例如美国的墨西哥湾,西非,和中国南海海面。 Low risk earthquake areas. 低地震发生风险地区。 This General Specification may be modified or enhanced by the Technical Specification and Fabrication Drawings with which it is associated. 此规格可能会随技术说明书和建造图中相关内容的变动而修改或进一步详细说明。 References 参考文件 The following references supplement this General Specification: 以下的参考文件作为此规格的补充: CACT-NONE-S-F993-S003 Fabrication of Offshore Structures References that are not applicable to the Scope of Work as specified in the Technical Specification have not been included in the Contract Documents. 参考文件不适用于在合同文件中不包括的工作范围,像技术说明书中详细说明的部分。 Codes and Standards 编号和标准 The structural material shall be manufactured in accordance with good engineering prac


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