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宣传倡议信息与支持的案例 问题:医院管理部门抵制无烟规定 宣传信息: 医院是致力于改善健康的 这也是为什么保持医院无烟那么重要。 无烟医院可以保护医院工作人员的健康,提高患者的康复率,也为来访者提供一个更健康的环境 活动 制定媒体倡议宣传和公关的策略 * “Paid media” consists of mass media placements that you pay for (e.g., television, print, radio, outdoor, website advertisements) “Earned media” is mass media placements, such as news media coverage, that you earn through your relationships with journalists, editors and other news media professionals As a reminder, when we talk about “earned media” we mean news media placements that are not paid for but are earned through good relationships with journalists and management in news media organizations. * While paid media provides the advantage of being able to completely control the message and dictate the placement, earned media has other advantages, including low or no cost; greater credibility, assuming that the news outlet has credibility; and allowing for more in-depth messages than paid ads usually allow. * As a famous journalist in the U.S. once said, “If you do not exist in the media, for all practical purposes, you do not exist.” Why is that? [allow participants to offer reasons] (quickly to next slide) * The news media set the agenda Mass media coverage influences what people discuss News articles reflect and affect how people feel about issues The news can influence policy makers When the news media publicize your campaign or efforts, your limited funds go further Here are some suggestions of why it’s so important to gain news media coverage. * Two key types of earned media Public Relations (PR) Media Advocacy * * Public Relations = Communication with different audiences to: inform them about your program, organization and/or initiatives make them support, or feel good about, what you are doing establish and maintain a positive image of the program, organization and initiatives One key feature of PR is enhancing credibility of your message. You use advertising to ensure placement of your message—want to ensure th


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