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山东外贸职业学院 陈祥国 Lesson 3 A Company Introduction (本课讲课1课时) 我们是一家专营出口的中美合资企业。(公司性质) We are an export-oriented Sino-US joint venture. 这家公司于1966开始其快餐(fast food)业务,在40多个国家都有分公司,是世界最大的跨国(multinational)快餐公司之一。(成立时间,规模) The company started its snack food in 1966 and now has become one of the largest multinational snack companies in the world with branches in more than 40 countries. 我公司总部在日本东京,在全球有157,000名员工,本部有35,000名。2003年度净利润为4.6万亿日元(yen)。(公司地点,规模) Our company is based in Tokyo, Japan and has 157,000 employees worldwide and 35,000 in the headquarters. The net profits totaled 4.6 trillion yen for the year 2003. 固特异(Goodyear),世界最大的轮胎和橡胶公司,业务遍步全球六大洲,年销售额近140亿美元。除了Goodyear,该公司还生产、销售其他知名品牌的轮胎,包括Dunlop, Kelly, Fulda, Lee, Sava和Debica. (主要品牌) Goodyear, the largest tire rubber company in the world, covers business all over 6 continents in the world with the annual turnover nearly 14 billion US dollars. Apart from Goodyear, the company also produces and markets other tires of famous brand, including Dunlop, Kelly, Fulda, Lee, Sava and Debica. Toys“R”Us. Inc. 是美国最大的玩具零售商(retailer),在世界有1,600家店面。专营玩具、儿童服饰及婴儿用品。(经营范围) Toys“R”Us. Inc., the largest toy retailer in the United States, specializes in toys, children’s clothes and baby care with 1,600 stores all over the world. 公司介绍用语 公司经营范围 1. 主语 + 普通动词 We make/manufacture/produce … 我们制造… We make various wooden photo frames. 我们做各式木质相框。 We handle … 我们经营食品进出口。 We handle the import and export of foodstuffs. We deal in … 我们经营轻工业品内销。 We deal in the domestic sales of light industrial products. We specialize in … 我们专营… 我们专营进口的染料。 We specialize in imported dyestuffs. 2. 主语 + do,可指制造、买卖或服务(口语) We do computer hardware. 我们做电脑硬件。 We do life insurance. 我们做人寿保险。 3. 主语 + be in (the business/line/trade of) … 我们搞工艺品。 We are in arts and crafts. They are in the entertainment business. 他们是娱乐业的。 4. 主语 + be + 名词 We are a car-maker. 我们是起车制造商。 This firm is an Internet Service Provider. 这家公司是因特网服务提供商。 我们出口中国刺绣。 We are an exporter of Chines



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