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单项选择 4. My English teacher has _____ daughter. A. an 11-year-old B. a 11-years-old C. an 11-years-old D. a 11-year-old 【点拨】 在“数词+名词+形容词” 构成的复合形容 词中,词与词之间要用连字符“-”连接,且 名词要用单数形式。前面需用冠词a 还是 an,取决于数词首字母的发音。如: A a five-year-old boy, an eight-month-old baby 。 a four-day trip 一个四天的旅行 a 30book 一本30页的书 a three-room house 一个三间屋的房子 5. school day是英语中一种常见的短语(或表达方式),指在校学生上学的日子,尤指周一至周五。与之相对应的词是holiday节假日;假期(英式),vacation假期(美式),以及weekend周末。如: I can’t watch TV on school days, and I can only watch for two hours on the weekend. 在周一到周五上学期间时我不能看电视,在周末我也不过只能看两小时。 6. The bus ride is never boring because… 坐公交车从来不会无聊,因为…… ride作为名词,表示“乘车;行程”。如: can you give me a ride to the train station? 你能开车送我去火车站吗? ride作为动词,表示“乘车;乘坐;搭乘”。如: Jack often rides his bike to school. 杰克经常骑自行车去上学。 * * * * Section B Period Two Review Words and expressions Read the words and expressions loudly. Words review cross river many village between between…and… bridge boat ropeway v. 横过;越过 n. 河;江 adj.pron. 许多 n. 村庄;村镇 prep. 介于……之间 在……和……之间 n. 桥 n. 小船 n. 索道 Words review year afraid like villager leave dream true come true n. 年;岁 adj. 害怕;畏惧 prep. 像;怎么样 n. 村民 v.离开 n. 梦想;睡梦 v. 做梦 adj. 真的;符合事实的 实现;成为现实 To learn the students crossing the river to school To learn to write how to get to places Say something about one of the pictures. Look! This is a… It’s… …stop here. Group work: How does Paul gets to his uncle’s home? First, he… Next, he… Then, he… At last, he.. Make a survey How do students in our class get to school? Most ... Many ... Other ... Practice: … take the … to … 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2b Click it. 2a Look at the picture and title below. Guess what the passage is about. Crossing the River to School It’s about how the children cross a river to get to school. 2b Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. How do the students in the village go to school? 2. Why do they go to school like this? They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.



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